Luminous Fibers

Jeongbin Gu

See it On Campus: Level 2

Visitor Info

Luminous Fibers is located at the Sculpture Gallery at the end of Level 2.

LUMINOUS FIBERS is a project that challenges the conventional textile paradigm by integrating wearable technology to elevate individual experiences.

This collection of soft accessories offers versatility in wear, allowing for various styles and forms with its illuminations of embedded LEDs.

Through the lens of interactive wearables, Luminous Fibers reimagines the potential of apparel and smart textiles, transcending the mundane to infuse occasions with delight and intrigue.

Project Overview

This project adopts a material-based exploration, merging traditional smocking techniques with the understanding of electronics. The initial focus lies in discovering ways to integrate these two components.

Through the exploration of textile manipulation and wearable LEDs, Luminous Fibers discovers and creates a collection of interactive wearables.

Project Goals

This project aims to introduce the beauty of embedded sewable lights and conductive threads, revealing how these elements are intertwined.

It aims to explore the intersection between two different elements- the gentle touch of textiles and the realm of wearable technology.

Luminous Fibers are versatile textile accessories that are easy to put on and can be styled effortlessly, even without LEDs.

Their rechargeable battery can be reattached at any time and washed easily, making the experience even more convenient.

Jeongbin Gu

I'm seeking opportunities
Contact Me

Jeongbin Gu is an industrial designer hailing from Korea and was raised in Malaysia. She is currently living, designing, and making in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Her design philosophy revolves around the textile material exploration, seamlessly integrating of wearable electronics and interactive wearables.

She enjoys hands-on activities, hiking and observing nature’s colour and movements.

Jeongbin is a curious and passionate seeker drawing inspiration from the simplicity and hues of objects around her.

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