A Blind Procrastinator & I will do it tomorrow…

Jazz(Jeongseop) Kim

See it On Campus: Level 2

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Jazz Kim


It is no exaggeration to say that we are currently surrounded by addictive content. Beyond simply desiring it, these things can adversely affect your daily life and harm your health. With the development of information and technology, we have easier access to a wealth of diverse information, and life has become more convenient. However, this comfort does not necessarily guarantee us a happier and healthier life. Especially, those who are socially isolated are more likely to fall into the trap of addiction.

And what happen?
Even though you have your own eyes, you do not see what happen behind your phone while you watch cat videos in Youtube.

Oh no…
Here you go again

Interactive Graphic

This isn’t a mirror that reflects your physical body, it’s a mirror that projects what you’ve put off doing.

Title: A Blind Procrastinato r
Medium: Digital Graphic

*It looks fine on screen. But once it is rendered, it has itself pixelated like the video above.

I will have a high resolution of video as soon as possible. Thank you for being patient

Look at you.
You are full of what you said, “I will do it tomorrow, not now”.
And it seems like impossible that you get rid of Procrastination from your body.

Projection Mapping

Visualizing piles of work in the corner of the room.

Stacking Animation

Title: I will do it tomorrow…
Medium: Digital Graphic

The worst thing is once your tasks are stacked like a mountain, you almost likely give up getting started.

Looping Animation

Title: Procrastination
Medium: Text Animation-looping

One thing to keep in mind is how to see yourself putting off your work.


A quick glance at the books, Video Art by Barbara London, SIGNALS: How Video Transformed the World by MoMA, I found a connection between digital content, procrastination, and projection mapping. Since the coronavirus paralyzed the world, mobile phones and the Internet have been the primary means of communicating with one another in a world where social activities were forcibly controlled. Short and simple videos have become popular in sharing information faster and more easily. As time goes by, they become increasingly addictive digital plays that deviate from the reliability and importance of digital inheritance information. As a result, people mindlessly watch the daily stream of short videos on various social media on their cell phone screens. What they really need to do is often piled up in the corner of a room. This is proof that videos have enough power to change people. On the other hand, I think they have the power to help people get rid of their digital content addiction, take care of themselves, and return to their original lives. Therefore, the direction of this project is to help people recognize these social problems by themselves, rather than neglecting them as part of the pandemic. I thought that if this project was delivered through print media rather than projection mapping, it would be difficult for the audience to intuitively accept it. So I thought I should deliver it through a digital screen. So I used the projector which is more flexible in size. In additionally, rather than using a flat monitor, playing the video on a complex object seems to explain our current situation better.

Final Presentation

Final Presentation – Video

*I wanted projection mapping to play the role of
a portal to help people who are trapped in the digital world
take a step out of the real world.

*How to keep yourself

How I am able to overcome procrastination is that I try to constantly recognize what I am doing. If you decide to delay your work, you should find a good reason and make a reasonable plan for it. Then you won’t blame yourself and gain the energy to move forward slowly. It is very human-thing and sort of routine for a person to put their work behind them. However, in order to accept this naturally, it takes a lot of self-reflection, so it is time to reflect what you are currently delaying.

Jazz(Jeongseop) Kim

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