A Hard Bargain

Felipe Salles Fonseca

By Felipe Salles Fonseca

Duration: (2:36min)

Medium: 3D CG

Overall Creator


An explorer barges into a tavern frequented by pirates. He is looking for captain scarlet in order to haggle for an Item the captain possesses.

Artist Statement

Media, as a vehicle for entertainment has been an essential part of my childhood and the development of my own personality. My entire life I have dedicated my time to mastering many disciplines and work ethics in order to one day become a part of industries like Animation, Gaming, and Film. All I want is to be a part in the creation of something that is meant to entertain and inspire people the same way It did to me. Having fun while watching or playing something is a feeling everyone in the world deserves. 

Project Stills


Felipe Salles Fonseca

  • Modeling
  • Surfacing
  • Shading
  • Level Dressing
  • Animation
  • Lighting and Compositing
  • Sound
  • Editing

Special Thanks

Woonam Kim

Marc Roumi

Israel Yang

Adriana Jaroszewicz

Alisha Steinberger

Ishit Patra

Romy Jayson Escabillas

Tyler Halarewich

Additional Content

Poster Art

Felipe Salles Fonseca

I'm seeking opportunities
Contact Me

Felipe Salles Fonseca is a Brazilian that came to Canada when he was around 17 years old. From a very early age he has dedicated most of his life into trying to immigrate to Canada in order to pursue his dream careers to work in the production of entertainment media. Throughout these past many years, he has worked his hardest to achieve excellence in his practice of 3D Computer Graphics. He has been through a lot. In his life’s journey, he has made numerous achievements and meaningful connections while in Canada and he wishes he can stay here indefinitely.

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