The Cost Of Ecstasy

Anna Faye Woodworth

oil and acrylic paint on canvas, 40″x 30″
Birds of Grace
oil and acrylic paint on canvas, 24″x 12″

Anna Faye Woodworth

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My artistic expression serves as an exploration of the interconnectedness and sacredness of life on Earth.

I have been gifted with cultivating deep relationships to land, animals, and humans, especially in sisterhood. I am captivated by the internal balance of masculine and feminine, the sacredness of union, and connection. My art delves into the spiritual and psychological likeness of human and non-human animal behaviors, and the intimate relationships within and between species. I seek to express these experiences through bold color pallets, and dramatic dream-like imagery grounded in figures and symbolic narratives.

Ethology and psychology guide much of the thematics of my work, specifically the intricacies of relationships and ecosystems, focusing on instincts, predatory behavior, threat responses and relational care. Influential to my practice are the works of James Jean and Beth Caverner, as well as the Jungian idea of collective unconscious.

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