Art + Nature

Hayley Yip

A summation of my artistic journey so far that focuses on my two main interests in environment and background design for animation and video games as well as publishing. An overarching theme of this collection is my passion for illustration and storytelling, combined with my deep fascination with natural and architectural environments and animals.

Environment & Background Design

Why the Evergreen Trees Keep Their Leaves in Winter by Florence Holbrook

Tattercoats Concept Art
Dream Room Layout
Forest Walk
Short Animated Film Poster: Jenny
Environment Pan for The Golden River by John Ruskin


Owls of the Pacific Northwest Field Guide

Title spread
Sources for textual information
Layout Type A
Layout Type B (main text to go on the left page of each spread)

Children’s Books

Fractured Fairy Tale: Rapunzel (Single page)
Fractured Fairy Tale: Rapunzel (Spread)
Amelia Earhart (Spread)
Personal Book Cover: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
Personal Illustration: Forest of Hidden Animals


Op-Ed: Space Exploration vs. Ocean Exploration
Financial Article: Cryptocurrency
Book Review: Fiona and Jane by Jean Chen Ho

Hayley Yip

I'm seeking opportunities
Contact Me

Hayley is an illustrator from Vancouver who enjoys creating environment and background design for animation and video games. She enjoys incorporating colour, light, shape language and a range of artistic styles and influences into her pieces to evoke story and atmosphere. Her work often involves natural scenery, fantasy, animals and a sense of whimsicality. However, her other interests include animation layout, children’s books, editorial illustration and scientific and field guide illustration.

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