Bounty Hunter-The Dragonstone

Duration: 6:12

Medium: 2D Digital Animation

Directed by Xifan Sun

Bounty Hunter-The dragonstone



Joan accepted a commission to kill a dragon, only to discover she had been tricked to murder an innocent victim. After receiving the dragon stone and learning the truth, she is pursued by a mercenary until the power of the stone is revealed.

Artists Statement

Animation has a unique charm as a medium for conveying information. In particular, hand-drawn animations bring endless reverie to people with their creative lines. The images created by lines with infinite possibilities fascinate me. This is also my learning goal. I hope I can create hand-drawn animations that others will be fascinated by.

Project Stills


  • Director: Xifan Sun
  • Character design: Xifan Sun
  • Storyboard: Xifan Sun
  • Animation: Xifan Sun
  • Clean up: Xifan Sun; Sean Leun; Alycia Chan; James Sun
  • Coloring: Xifan Sun; Amber Li; Sean Leun; Alycia Chan; James Sun; Vincent Yang
  • Background signer: Xifan Sun; Amber Li; Alita Zhang
  • Modeling: Xifan Sun
  • Music Composer: Wannai
  • Sound Design: Wannai; LittleTip
  • Vocal Actor: Sean Leun; Lorien Allan; Justin Palmer