Nayla Chan

Duration: 4:02min

Medium: 2D Digital Animation

Director and Animator


Fall waits for the perfect day so she can finally embark on an adventure to visit her friends living above the clouds. She sets off on her journey and being unaware of her surroundings, she finds herself in danger

The film Fall was created to feature my love of characters and showing them experiencing the world around them. The film features the use of many soft bloom light effects to show viewers and let them experience how Fall sees the world. I enjoy subtle character acting because a little movement can show a lot about the personality. I also find a lot of joy in showing the relationships between characters through a short amount of scenes and Fall allowed me to do that.

Project Stills


Director and Animator: Nayla Chan

Still Frame Colour: Nayla Chan | Lauren Larson | Maxeria Shade

Sound Composer: Matthew Alva

Nayla Chan

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Nayla Chan is an animator and illustrator who graduated from Emily Carr University of Art + Design, where she received a Bachelor of Media Arts degree in 2D + Experimental Animation. She is a freelance illustrator and character designer, who spends her free time learning new skills or playing video games.

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