El Coquí y El Tiki Tiki

Andi Bonales Font

Duration: (2:36 min)

Medium: 2D Digital Animation

Director and Animator: Andi Bonales Font


While visiting family in Puerto Rico, a 10 year old ‘No Sabo Kid’, has his game cartridge stolen by a mischievous Coquí  while at a family party.

Artist Statement

My art and animations have always been inspired by culture. Whether that be my Mexican-Puerto Rican culture or the countless others I experienced growing up. While stories educating wider audiences on Latino Culture are great, I also wish to tell the smaller-scale stories that explore the less talked about aspects of Latino identity, with a touch of magic thrown in. My animations and stories take inspiration from my own experiences and that of my family. My film is a love letter to the warm, loud, animated summers spent in my Titi’s house in San Juan, and the many classic Tom and Jerry, and Looney Toons cartoons I watched in said house.  

Pre-production Material


  • Director: Andi Bonales Font
  • Production Supervisor: Paige Arace
  • Concept Artist: Andi Bonales Font
  • Prop Design: Carola Campa Garcia
  • Storyboard Artist: Paige Arace, Christy Chan, Andi Bonales Font
  • Layout: Kayla Cunanan, Ro Levy, Soph! Su, Andi Bonales Font
  • Voice Actor: Gabriel Rosa Font, Eric Bonales Font, Carola Campa Garcia, Andi Bonales Font
  • Animators: Carola Campa Garcia, Christy Chan, Sarah Velasco Vasconcelos, Paige Arace, Kirsten Mills, Andi Bonales Font
  • Clean-up: Sarah Velasco Vasconcelos, Paige Arace, Kirsten Mills, Andi Bonales Font
  • Compositing: Andi Bonales Font

Andi Bonales Font

I'm seeking opportunities
Contact Me

Andi Bonales Font is a Peruvian born Mexican-Puerto Rican-Peruvian-American animator who grew up as a Third Culture Kid in 7 different countries before settling in Vancouver for University. Her sole source of entertainment during a childhood of cross-continent moves and 5-18 hour plane rides were cartoons and drawing. As a result, her animations and stories explore themes of cultural heritage, family, and identity. She graduated from Emily Carr University of Art and Design with a degree in 2D-Experimental Animation, with a special focus in Character Design, and Character Animation. She is now aiming to pursue a career as an animator and to one day work up to directing her own animated shows that uplift and showcase Latino voices and culture.

Email: andibfont@gmail.com

Profile image of Andi Bonales Font