i’ll meet you at the same spot

Isha Multani

i’ll meet you at the same spot was an opportunity in understanding my relationship with objects by finding ways in which tangible memories that have been documented and collected can be preserved through storytelling. From my exploration of two outcomes, I ventured into the past and the present; cultivating a personal archive of stories in relation to objects I have collected and a mini-build as a token of the now to carry forward as a relic of the past. 


✴ What do we deem as memorable? 

✴ What stories can be communicated through objects? 

✴ What versions of ourselves are communicated through the objects we choose to preserve? 

✴ How do we treat our documentation and means to preserve memories with more intention?

Cultivating questions in correlation to creating conversation and understanding stories that are woven into objects that has been collected and preserved, it raised further question of looking into ways in which these narratives can be remembered while longing for what’s to come. It is never a goodbye to the past, rather a place you can always come back to while living in the now and looking forward to the future.

Isha Multani

I'm seeking opportunities
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Hi, my name is Isha and I’m a Communication Designer interested in mending type and design to topics such as memory, object association and nostalgia.

Interested in publication and book design, I am curious about ways in which storytelling can be visually explored and experimented with.