Out of The Blue

Lisa Sangeun Park

See it On Campus: Level 2

Visitor Info

Out of The Blue’ refers to:

  1. The sudden, oftentimes unexpected, onset (or realization) of depression an individual goes through at the beginning of their mental health journey
  2. The daring process of those slowly wading themselves out of depression

With focus on de-stigmatizing conversations around the topic/experiences of depression: Out of The Blue (2024) is a collection of multidisciplinary designs that showcase my personal response to depression.


Waves is one of the design components of Out of The Blue with a specific focus on creating conversation and awareness about mental health through the use of motion. 

Specifically in the hopes of assisting those trying to understand and support their loved ones living with depression, Waves provides one of many possible depictions of what living with depression feels like. Better understanding can lead to more empathy, compassion, and the furthering of ongoing conversations surrounding the topic of depression.


This project could not have ended up where it has without the people in my life I hold dear to my heart;

I express immense gratitude to my instructor Jon Hannan for the patience, support, and guidance I received throughout the project’s development, as well as appreciation towards the COMD studio technician Kathleen Jacques for her help and suggestions. I am beyond grateful for the unwavering love and support I had from my sister, and can’t forget the encouragements kindly given to me by Brendan, Kate, Neha, Jasmine, and Helen throughout this project.

Thank you all so much.

Lisa Sangeun Park

I'm seeking opportunities
Contact Me

Hi, my name is Lisa. I am a graphic/motion designer, and illustrator.

As a designer, I strive to emulate trauma-informed design practices and create for mental health recognition/de-stigmatization whenever possible.​​​The main focus in my practice is design, but I also have a strong illustration background and thrive when combining both areas of creativity into my work.

Thank you for checking out my project!