Aline Chaves
Aline Chaves
Duration: 2min 19s
Medium: 2D Digital Animation, 2D Cut-Outs
Film Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life
Film Synopsis: During a boring detention, an artistic little boy dares to be different and defies his all-time nemesis: his math teacher.
Artists Statement: Growing up, I was fascinated with animations and dreamed that one day I could be able to make my own. However, coming from a traditional family, I was strongly discouraged, repeatedly being told “you need a real career”. As I grew up, these cartoons became more than just entertainment, they evolved into a real passion, inspiring me to defy expectations and pursue my long-time dream. I value individuality over conformity, drawing me towards rebellious characters. Standing up for what you believe in can create compelling narratives, and the theme of disobedience can be explored through serious topics like politics or as simply as a kid refusing to stop drawing.
Project Stills
- Director, Aline Chaves
- Animator, Aline Chaves
- Additional Animator, Jeniffer Park
- Music Composer, Pedro Gabriel Carvalho
- Music Composer, Pedro Henrique Lindtstaedt
- Sound Design, Pedro Gabriel Carvalho
- Title Card Designer, David Molon
- Credits Editor, David Molon
- Production Assistance, Soph! Su