ne obliviscaris

Dylan Campbell

See it On Campus: Level 1

Visitor Info

ne obliviscaris is screened on demand in The Screening Room on the first floor by the East entrance. The book of original hand drawn frames can be found in the library Reading Room.

Duration: 1:56 min

Medium: Experimental Animation

Directed by Dylan Campbell



A barn swallow burrows under a mans skin and discovers a hidden world within.

Artist Statement

ne obliviscaris is a film about processing the grief that comes when you know someone will die but they are not yet gone. I follow my work through explorations of the human condition. For inspiration, I look to the cycles of life and the places my emotions take me. Curiosity is my driving force when exploring animation applications across a variety of materials and techniques. I love solving the puzzle each new material or technique presents and finding how it can fit into my practice. 

Project Stills


Special Thanks

Director: Dylan Campbell

Emmett Fisher

James J. Campbell

Stephanie Campbell

Shannon Fisher

Dex Giese

Andy Gomez

Amy Campbell Park

Lorelei Pepi

The Book

The original hand drawn frames of ne obliviscaris have been bound into a book that is available to view in the library Reading Room for the duration of The Show.

Dylan Campbell

I'm seeking opportunities
Contact Me

Dylan Campbell (they/them) is a traditional and experimental animator living in Vancouver, BC.

They hope you have a lovely day ;D

Profile image of Dylan Campbell