
Peggy Chi


This project aims to remind that only we can change our thoughts and recognize by being presently aware, we can change our lives through the power of our mind.


“Realize” is a card game designed to encourage reflection and awareness of one’s health through the act of slowing down and exploring unhelpful thinking patterns. The intention is to help shift inner thoughts for a healthier mindset through play to improve themselves as well as their lives. It is a 1-2 player game that helps connect yourself and another by creating an introspective conversation to allow understanding and clarity whilst reflecting in a healing space.

As the world moves and we encounter struggles, without a safe space to be vulnerable, it may be hard to find ways to make changes for bettering ourselves and our lives. The problem of not having time to reflect is it can create confusion due the imbalance of internal and external focus which makes life decisions difficult. It can lead to a spiral of negativity when not dealt with and will affect our lives including the relationships we have with others and our self image. To prevent this, we can try opening our hearts to connect with others or ourselves to be aware of these shadow thoughts by confronting our problems and putting negative thoughts at bay. This is the card game that strives to be a guide for growth throughout the journey of life.

Why Card Game?

Through playfulness is where we can tap into our inner child by relaxing and making someone or an environment more lighthearted. By playing a card game, it can open the player(s) up to conversation for understanding others and themselves. It is a possible alternative for those who lack tools or skills to help themselves. I find that it is important to prioritize your health on all levels because one cannot heal if they don’t slow down.

The purpose is to help people take the time to take care of their mental well being by checking in with themselves. To rewire the stories we repeatedly tell ourselves into something that serves us in a healthy way. Since all our brain knows is what we repeat over and over again.

01 | Branding

The overall design theme is based on illumination of realizing one’s life, self and their own truth. Therefore, the star on the logo represents a light to illuminate a realization in the dark. I used 2 main typefaces which are Zapfino for keeping the connection of the project aesthetic consistent including the “R” from the logo and Dejanire Headline for most of the body text. The colour palette that is seen throughout the project and packaging are grayscale and rainbow colours with the emphasis of the primary colours (red, blue, yellow) and green.


The patterns seen on the booklet, backing of the cards and the poster is inspired by astrological patterns alluding to how constellations connects and forms patterns in the sky similarly to how our mind of thoughts connects to our behaviours, perceptions and actions in our life. Aspect patterns and any other astrological aspects shows particular themes that reveals one’s strengths and weaknesses in an astrological chart. By understanding the energy of the aspect patterns and the relationship of planets, it allows awareness to make peace with who you are, seeing where other’s are coming from and improve upon themselves and their lives. Constellations are also often used (such as by sailors and pilots) to help navigate us to places around the earth and giving light.

The main aspect patterns are the kite, grand trine, yod, t-square, grand cross and mystic rectangle.

02 | Card Game Kit

The card game kit includes 15 imagery cards, 15 prompt cards with writing + drawing + mindful exercises, 7 coloured transparent sheet cards and 15 transparent advice word cards.

Card Game Box Gallery

My star drawing from the cards is used as a pattern for the box to showcase the card style and added little images of a few card designs on the back of the box for people to know what the decks look like. The box includes the logo at the front with the illumination line design. The rainbow coloured holographic paper at the front cover correlates with the objective of diving into yourself and others to enhance the quality of life. The paper changes colours in different angles and reflects like a mirror where you can see yourself through looking at it.

Deck One: Imagery Cards

The imagery cards consists of 15 cards and the main colours on the cards are red, yellow, blue and green to represent the 4 elements in astrology of fire, air, water and earth. These cards are made to dig deeper into one’s subconscious memories to reveal any beliefs, wounds or insights about their life in order to shift their patterns of behaviour for the benefit of the future.

Why are the illustrations drawn the way it is? It’s with symbols that gives a story narrative that has symbolic meanings. However, the card game is not predictive and not fixed in meaning for each card. Instead it allows the change in meanings based on different people and circumstances the player is thinking about in the present moment. The cards help elicit narratives of the individual(s) with the imagery similar to narrative therapy techniques of exploring the stories you tell yourself about your life and separating the person from the problem. It is made to allow certain objects or symbols that the person associated it with in their memory to explore their own thoughts. Which helps reframing stories by understanding how your experiences influence your repetitive thoughts, behaviours and habits. By free association, a therapeutic method developed by Sigmund Freud used in psychoanalysis, the card game allows talking with the other player and writing down all their thoughts, feelings and memories that come to mind without needing to be linear or coherent in which the card imagery evokes for the individual(s). 

To start, one player shuffles and draws an illustrative imagery card. Then they will draw one transparent coloured card by closing their eyes and mixing them up to pick a card to put on top to interpret. With 2 players, they would each take turns to shuffle and draw a card. Then they would ask each other questions for interpreting the cards.

Coloured Transparent Sheet Cards

The transparent coloured card will be placed on top of the illustrative imagery card which will change the colour of the card. Most likely the card will either be single coloured or has 2 colours depending on which colour and card is drawn.

So why separate the colours? Looking at colour theory and colour psychology, certain colours evoke certain emotions and associations. How colours interact with each other can create different moods and reactions. While some colours are often commonly seen as a certain emotions or meaning, there is still subjectivity to how each person interprets a colour due to one’s own experiences and culture that becomes ingrained in the memory. By using only a couple colours, it gives more focus to the mood of the person at the present moment.

Transparent Advice Word Cards

The transparent advice word cards would lastly be put on top of the cards to change the meaning and perspective on ways to approach and learn about the situation they reflected on. It gives advice messages that can be found in the ‘Symbol Guidebook’.

Extra Card

The extra card can be used like the joker card and the number 0 of changes, potential, emptiness, unpredictability and endless possibilities. It can be interpreted in many ways but the game can be played with or without it. Generally it signifies where the individual(s) needs to see new possibilities and where one is lacking. The card can also be used as a bookmark for the booklet.

Deck Two: Prompt Cards

These prompt exercise cards deck are meant to be used whenever someone needs to take a break from all the hustle and would like some ideas for rewinding and getting back in touch with themselves. There are 3 types of prompts which are writing exercises, drawing exercises, and mindful exercises such as meditations and other action oriented activities.

03 | Instructions & Guidebook

The small instructions pamphlet guides the player(s) on how to play the card game. The symbol guidebook helps with interpreting the meanings of the imagery card and transparent advice card that connects to them at the current moment.

Instructions Pamphlet

Symbol Guidebook

Card Game Video

04 | Booklet

This reflection booklet allows the person to keep track of their card interpretations, reflections and progress towards a better outlook on their life and keep moving forward towards the future they want to create. It is also a healthy outlet of writing whatever comes to mind and release it onto paper in the notes section. The continuity of style is seen with the design of the booklet having a clear holographic plastic paper to fit with the box for cohesion.

05 | Mood Tracker

The kit also includes a mood tracker note sheets to stick onto the wall, the booklet, a board, the mirror or anywhere as a reminder to keep track of their emotions and health. There is room to record moods, write down to-do-lists, goals, lessons, affirmations and gratitude.

06 | Posters

3 Poster series dedicated to the Realize brand and its brand identity.

07 | Final Outcome



The answers are within you

Thank you for your time in viewing my Realize card game project.



A special thank you to my family, instructors, friends and the technicians for all your support throughout the process of completing this project.

Peggy Chi

I'm seeking opportunities
Contact Me

Hello! My name is Peggy Chi. I am a communications designer based in Vancouver. I specialize in visual storytelling, graphic design which includes brand identity projects, print, publication and many more. I am eager to learn and be involved with latest design trends in the creative industry as I continue to improve my skills and grow.

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