Best of Showcase 2024

Dynamic Media Screenings

Screening Details

May 15, 7-8:30pm | Best Of Showcase | Reliance Theatre, ECU Campus | See campus map


Rhythm of Rain | Hei Ching Cheung / Luka Hinic / Tristan Wei / Rachel Wen / Nathania Wijaya | 2:32 | HONOURABLE MENTION: President’s Media Awards for Best in 3D Computer Animation

The Dragon in the Distance | Jiyuan Guo | 3:50 | HONOURABLE MENTION: President’s Media Awards for Best in 2D + Experimental Animation

ULTI | Cherry Hou / Joanne Lee | 1:20

Echo | Xiner Angel Chen | 11:09

Fish & Lemon | Jinhyang Jang | 2:13 | NOMINEE: President’s Media Awards for Best in 3D Computer Animation

In Vain | Heron Cheung | 5:21

The West Show | Andy Gomez Vargas | 7:09 | NOMINEE: President’s Media Awards for Best in 2D + Experimental Animation

The Color of the Crayon | Ditto Meng | 10:25

Identical | Swaraa Gupta / Shreya Gupta | 3:15

Reaper Inspector of the Perished | August Quinn / Hui Xu / Matteo Bishop / Dante Gorn | 2:54

New Moon | Ishit Patra / Yue Sun / Ka Yiu Lee | 2:20

Ant’s Story | Sun Choi | 15:02

Happiness | Nil Yurdakul | 3:09

Jazzy Night | Hyunseo Kim / Annie Kim | 1:59 | NOMINEE: President’s Media Awards for Best in 3D Computer Animation

Bad People | Theo Chen | 12:41 | HONOURABLE MENTION: President’s Media Awards for Film + Screen Arts

Number 7 | Tsai-Ni Lin / Victoria Guzhvinska | 2:25 | WINNER: President’s Media Awards for Best in 3D Computer Animation

Trial Run | Justin Palmer | 5:20

Why Do It Alone | Emmet Fisher | 5:35

Wandering | Kayla Duong | 13:04

With Love, Mae | Julie Ma | 6:12 | WINNER: President’s Media Awards for Best in 2D + Experimental Animation